Kaiwera Downs Wind Farm

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Gore, New Zealand

ElectroNet provided design, installation, and commissioning of the 33kV network and substation for Stage 1 of the 2560-hectare Kaiwera Downs Wind Farm.

Project Status:
Completed, November 2023

ElectroNet handled the Stage 1 Electrical Balance of Plant for the Kaiwera Downs Wind Farm (KDWF), working closely with other contractors to deliver a successful installation, under budget and without incidents. 

KDWF is a 2560 hectare wind farm with consent for up to 83 turbines at 240 MW capacity, and a maximum turbine height of 145m. Stage 1 includes 10 turbines and a 16km, 33KV transmission line to the Gore Substation. Under a Design-Build-Deliver model, ElectroNet provided design, installation, and commissioning of the 33kV network and substation, including procurement. 

Given the scale of the project, collaboration and information-sharing among contractors were crucial for successful execution. Subcontractors included New Energy/Drillco for cable laying and Martin Civil for substation civil works. Higgins Contracting and VESTAS, contracted by Tararua Wind Power, worked on roadways, turbine foundations, and installation.

ElectroNet's site work began in December and finished in June. We’re proud to be part of getting the South Island’s largest wind farm up and running.

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